Imagine a better quality of life and less money spent on ineffective gadgets and endless doctor or physical therapy visits!

Hi, I'm Dr. Daniel Woodruff, D.C. After becoming dissatisfied with traditional paradigms and approaches toward musculoskeletal accommodative imbalances, I embarked on a journey of research and experimentation that led to the creation of The Posture Code. I can teach you what you need to know about the body's musculoskeletal system, how to identify what areas need correction, and how to accurately perform and use my easy technique.

Most pain is created by the brain's accommodation to some type of short-term injury or long-term imbalance. When the brain makes an accommodation, it never undoes it unless it is taught to do so. The accommodation won't go away on its own, and--left unattended--can generate pain and dysfunction. The Posture Code is a sequenced pattern of vibration, percussion, and stretch, introduced into the problem areas, which stimulates the brain to undo the accommodation. This, then, can improve posture, increase movement, and decrease pain. The results have been phenomenal! My patients have seen relief from chronic pain and are feeling better than they have in years! My clinic is full, and people drive from hours away to have an appointment. Because of these results, I want to share this incredible, revolutionary technique with YOU!

Patient Testimonials

Listen to what some of our patients have to say about how The Posture Code has improved their pain and quality of life!

Still not sure if The Posture Code is for you?

We are positive that you will find amazing results from The Posture positive that we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee to anyone who has a less-than-incredible outcome!

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